
Aromasin Dosage Test/Dbol


I'm in the middle of my current test only cycle but I've already started reading on DBOL.

Without a full layout this is my thoughts:

600mg test cyp every 4 days (Edit: 600mg weekly; 300mg every 4 days)

20mg Dbol ED - split 10mg upon waking (before gym), 5mg post workout with meal, 5mg before bed; should be 10mg per pill

Aromasin 12.5 EOD

I am currently at 500mg test cyp every 4 days (Edit: 500mg weekly; 250mg every 4 days) and 12.5mg EOD Aromasin and am doing fine as far as visible symptoms. I am getting my estradiol test coming back shortly on how sufficient it truly is.


Do I need to up my aromasin dosage when using two compounds? I will of course get blood to confirm this while I am on this cycle.

I couldn't find anything confirming I would need more or less. All articles and forums I read stated it was individual. Some did 12.5 ED of Aromasin.

My concern is I will only be running Dbol for 4 weeks (1-4) and I feel like how quickly is starts working I want to be prepared to make adjustments sooner than later.
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Dude I would not go any higher than 500mg every 4 days that’s already ridiculously high. Throw in your dbol and keep the 12.5mg eod unless you start to get symptoms and if you do bump it to 12.5mg ed. I run 250mg of test e3d with aromasin at 12.5mg ed but I convert to estrogen like a sob so I have to, 12.5mg ed will fix just about anything, but for most people it’s too much.
Let me make an edit because I meant to say my doses are 500mg split twice each weak into 250mg each. I dose 250mg every 4 days. Sorry!
Dude I would not go any higher than 500mg every 4 days that’s already ridiculously high. Throw in your dbol and keep the 12.5mg eod unless you start to get symptoms and if you do bump it to 12.5mg ed. I run 250mg of test e3d with aromasin at 12.5mg ed but I convert to estrogen like a sob so I have to, 12.5mg ed will fix just about anything, but for most people it’s too much.

This answered my question. I will just have to purely base it off estradiol numbers after the first 2 weeks of dbol with blood work as well as visually/feel.

I only had to take 12.5mg ED for 1 week this whole cycle. Not sure why it acted up once.
For sure. 250mg e4d is actually 437.5mg a week, and 300mg e4d is actually 525mg a week. It is still a very solid dose and I wouldn’t think you need to go any higher. But I wanted to be clear on that just so you know lol. I do 250mg e3d and it’s 585mg a week. Which is as high as I should ever need to go.
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