Since my last post a while ago things were a mess and couldn’t keep myself motivated and did not stick to the SARM/Diet and wanted to. Anyways things are better and just order my SARM.
Looking below you will see my stack I idea and going for a Keto style meal plan and if I can stick that and get to where I want to be then I will be ready to look at a mass style cycle.
12wk Cycle
Not going to put dosages i know what they are just from other cycles and looking in isarms site.
Weeks 1-12
WKs 9-12
As far as PCT mini I am guessing? Dosage on that would be helpful.
Workout 5 days a week one muscle per day with 7 days in between workouts on said muscle groups.
I do take a small dose of test. .25cc per week and an AI 1mg per week split .5 per dose.
Looking below you will see my stack I idea and going for a Keto style meal plan and if I can stick that and get to where I want to be then I will be ready to look at a mass style cycle.
12wk Cycle
Not going to put dosages i know what they are just from other cycles and looking in isarms site.
Weeks 1-12
WKs 9-12
As far as PCT mini I am guessing? Dosage on that would be helpful.
Workout 5 days a week one muscle per day with 7 days in between workouts on said muscle groups.
I do take a small dose of test. .25cc per week and an AI 1mg per week split .5 per dose.