
Adding Igf-1 to trt


I've been on trt for over 2 years and added in hgh @4iu/day about 2 months ago. I just ordered some igf-1 des and wanted to try some spot growth injections. Anyone have any experience with this? I've been injecting my hgh all at once pre workout on training days only. I make sure not to eat at least an hour before injections. From what I've gathered from the internet you should inject des intramuscularly into the muscle you're working mid workout or right before your workout due to the short life of it. Should I change my hgh injection time, or will there be no benefit in doing so?
I'm 33 years old
I've done a couple cycles in the past
Diet in check
Training on point
Just trying to bring up some weak points and figured I'd give des a try.
Not a whole lot of people use IGF here. You can Google it there's plenty of info online about it. IGF des is short acting and should be injected into the body part you're working bi laterally pre workout.
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