hey Dylan,
greetings from Europe!
i been watching you on youtube and i came up with a question.
i will be 30 years at september.
my background:
i can call myself active, swimming since childhood till 15 years,
from 15 till now i am dedicated to gym training and working out naturally..
of course, at the beginning i made mistakes, and majority of them was incorrect and poor nutrition, so there wasn't big results showing up. i was just sporty guy but my abs was not very clear to see..
round 7 years ago i got married and my life slowed down a bit, but i was still training 3-4 times a week, i started to read more about nutrition and training, i tried different techniques like keto diet, paleo diet... i was so hooked that i even considered working as a nutrition specialist.. i think i know enough about nutrition. but again, my abs was never there...
all the time i knew about gear, because my brother is using it for last 5-6 years, but i always was against it..
this year i am turning 30, and i have a goal to see my abs this summer no matter what, clean or dirty i have to get it. at least once..
i am pretty strong, my stats 5'10 height and weight around 204 lbs for last 5 years.
right now i train 3 times a week the whole body workout,, body fat not sure but i would say 15-20%. i do incline bench press with 220 lbs 5x5.. deadlift - 300 lbs, know supersets and dropsets,,, well, i can say i am intermediate/advanced lifter, it just i am never lean enough.
so now i decided on test prop and anavar cycle, 10 test p, last 6 weeks var.. it is because when i am cutting naturally i am loosing a lot of muscle and strength, maybe it's because i am starting to age.. all my life i struggle with some fat around..
what estrogen control would suit me best during and after cycle??
and what pct?
greetings from Europe!
i been watching you on youtube and i came up with a question.
i will be 30 years at september.
my background:
i can call myself active, swimming since childhood till 15 years,
from 15 till now i am dedicated to gym training and working out naturally..
of course, at the beginning i made mistakes, and majority of them was incorrect and poor nutrition, so there wasn't big results showing up. i was just sporty guy but my abs was not very clear to see..
round 7 years ago i got married and my life slowed down a bit, but i was still training 3-4 times a week, i started to read more about nutrition and training, i tried different techniques like keto diet, paleo diet... i was so hooked that i even considered working as a nutrition specialist.. i think i know enough about nutrition. but again, my abs was never there...
all the time i knew about gear, because my brother is using it for last 5-6 years, but i always was against it..
this year i am turning 30, and i have a goal to see my abs this summer no matter what, clean or dirty i have to get it. at least once..
i am pretty strong, my stats 5'10 height and weight around 204 lbs for last 5 years.
right now i train 3 times a week the whole body workout,, body fat not sure but i would say 15-20%. i do incline bench press with 220 lbs 5x5.. deadlift - 300 lbs, know supersets and dropsets,,, well, i can say i am intermediate/advanced lifter, it just i am never lean enough.
so now i decided on test prop and anavar cycle, 10 test p, last 6 weeks var.. it is because when i am cutting naturally i am loosing a lot of muscle and strength, maybe it's because i am starting to age.. all my life i struggle with some fat around..
what estrogen control would suit me best during and after cycle??
and what pct?