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I was watching your video on winstrol. I just had a few questions. Im gan be 18 here soon, if my buddy and i took winstrol would it effect us in the long run? I know your obviously going to say that we are too young but i just know a lot of athletes and people that take oral pills. Its crazy i have friends that go from 130 lbs to 175 in months and i just dont get how. But anyways both me and my buddy are under 10% body fat but i was just wondering if we used it responsibly and the right way if it could harm us? And will we get tons of acne?
Also wasnt sure if tbol was better or if there is something out there that i can look cut working hard enough
i would not advise you to use steroids if you paid me a million dollars.. yes, you can make your own choices but im certainly not contributing to someone ruining your life... listen man, i get THOUSANDS of questions per day and I have been doing this a long time and have seen it all... i think i know what happens to guys that use steroids your age and you know what, its never good, not at all... you are gong to learn a very very severe and lifelong lesson that i have a feeling you dont want to encounter... you are too young to be using ANYTHING bro... be smart, don't be a fool and learn the hard way…

you need to watch my video on the dangers of underage steroid use…
18? Come on man. Put in work and quit being lazy looking for a shortcut. All you'll do is fuck yourself up and your endocrine system to just lose all your gains later because you haven't built a proper base and foundation yet through the right diet and exercise. No way you are going to get help here
I hope you do listen to the advise they are giving you here and don't feel tempted to go ahead and get into steroids at such an early age. Look at things from a different perspective. Build your self-discipline. Create new habits by keeping it simple. Eat often and healthy, work out hard but also allow your body time to rest and grow. Get a good protein supplement (ie whey) and stay focused. Good things take time. I am 54, but this is the exact same advice I give my 17 year old son, who just fell in love with weightlifting. Your body at 18 produces the highest possible levels of testosterone in a natural way. If you work hard you will boost these levels even further. Good luck buddy.
I hope you do listen to the advise they are giving you here and don't feel tempted to go ahead and get into steroids at such an early age. Look at things from a different perspective. Build your self-discipline. Create new habits by keeping it simple. Eat often and healthy, work out hard but also allow your body time to rest and grow. Get a good protein supplement (ie whey) and stay focused. Good things take time. I am 54, but this is the exact same advice I give my 17 year old son, who just fell in love with weightlifting. Your body at 18 produces the highest possible levels of testosterone in a natural way. If you work hard you will boost these levels even further. Good luck buddy.
well said brother, thank you
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