
Using sarms on elevated bf%


New member
Hi everyone.

I hope you all are doing well. I’ve used sarms in the past with good results.

I want to use ostsrine gw and s4 and maybe sr and go on a cut. I know steroids it’s considered to be a bad idea if your over a certain bf%. if you been training for years but are currently at a muscular 20+% bf would it be ok to use the compounds for a cut at the body fat percentage listed? Offcourse diet and training will be optimal.

Thank you very much.
The side affects with sarms at a elevated BF is WAY less then with AAS. Those compounds would be a good choice for cutting . Getting your body fat below 15% in general is going to be much better overall health wise too. Im sure Dylan can lay out a great stack for you.
sarms and steroids are completely different... you can use any sarm you want at that body fat... think about... cardarine was initially designed to treat obesity and stenabolic helps people with metabolic syndrome and helps speed up metabolism... you can use them bro... they will be extremely beneficial to you... what are your goals from the stack?"
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