
Urinalysis post Test P cycle


New member
I am just finishing my first cycle ever of Test P where I used 300mg/week for 10 weeks. When spring rolls around I am going to need to be able to pass a drug test for PED's, and I do not want to fail. I have been looking into how long Test p stays in your system and most people say it's roughly 2-3 weeks. I am going through proper clomid/tamoxifen pct and I will probably try a short cycle just before spring training.
Now to my main concerns and questions.
How long will I need before I am able to pass a drug test?
Is there any online order tests I can take to try and monitor my hormone levels to ensure I pass a test?
Which blood tests would test for what I'm trying to accomplish?
Do you have any other tips or comments on what I should do to pass a drug test when the spring rolls around?

Does anyone have experience taking and passing drug tests for PEDs? IN sporting areas like NCAA or professional?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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