
TRT input


New member
Dylan, found your videos on youtube and love them! Hoping you or some of the other experts can help me out. I have somewhat of a dilema i am 38 years old fitness junkie. I love working out and tend to push myself to the limits of overtraining. I have always had a carb restricted diet and enjoy being as lean as possible. Over the last 3 years constantly felt tired and unmotivated. My brother in law tells me I may have to look into TRT. I get my blood test and my total test is 610, free t is 13, DHEA 310, E2 30, LH 9.1, thyroid all looks good but SHBG is 63. These are lab corp reference ranges. The telemedic clinic prescribes me 160mg of test cyp with two injections a week because of the SHBG and says it is rendering my tesosterone unavaliable. I am half way thru week 3 and every shot i inject i am second guessing myself if i truly need TRT ? In the 3 weeks my body has seemed to eat the tesosterone up. I feel awesome in the gym and my workouts are more intense than ever but i am really not noticing anything different in mood.
what? this is absurd... trt at 610 levels of test? the clinic you went to is taking your money... stop using that now... your test levels are completely fine and your brother in law is quite ignorant himself... all you need to do is take proviron to help lower your shbg and free up bound testosterone... smfh at not only the ignorance of others but the audacity of a clinic putting you on trt for shbg... what a disgrace
These fucking Telemedicine clinics are crazy..... Giving out TRT to 610 scores. Fuck man, I was 195. You wanna talk about feeling like shit? Anyone that will just hand the shit out has ONE interest. $$$$$
Thanks for the quick response! I have only done 5 shots. My next one is due now.. I was not planning on stopping so the only supplies I have on hand is hcg which I did not use in my protocol and they prescribed arimidex which I was only supposed to use if estrogen issues arose. Should I just stop cold turkey? I would imagine at 2.5 weeks the damage isn’t that significant
Thanks for the quick response! I have only done 5 shots. My next one is due now.. I was not planning on stopping so the only supplies I have on hand is hcg which I did not use in my protocol and they prescribed arimidex which I was only supposed to use if estrogen issues arose. Should I just stop cold turkey? I would imagine at 2.5 weeks the damage isn’t that significant

Just stop now. There wont be an issue
Thanks Dylan, I have ostarine and cardarine from esarms. I know it’s only been 2.5 weeks of running my trt dosage but should I start ostarine shd cardarine now? Would that help with any type of cortisol spike from stopping ?
Ya man Proviron would be all you need I would love to have a test level that high and I’m ten years younger then you man
My test levels were 120 on a scale where 500 was considered normal. I was 38 when I started trt.
Was having major low test symptoms. I’m using 200mg a week which if I’m honest is to much based on my labs.
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