
Too much blood?


Hey guys so entering my 5th week of NPP/Test and my hands at night seem to lose blood and become very numb. Also in the gym when I hit chest, my forearms become every tight and it gets hard to workout. Do i need to maybe dounate blood? has anyone else ever experience this before?
Hey guys so entering my 5th week of NPP/Test and my hands at night seem to lose blood and become very numb. Also in the gym when I hit chest, my forearms become every tight and it gets hard to workout. Do i need to maybe dounate blood? has anyone else ever experience this before?

Im on my 3rd week of NPP/Test. That sounds strange, are you sure your arms arent just "pumped" i mean if your lifting hard your arms will get tight on a cycle to due the blood flow causing a good pump and making you look vascular and big from all the blood in your muscle.
Sounds like your getting a good pump man. I have an issue with to much blood on every cycle and I am actually a therapeutic donor now which means I can donate once a month instead of every other month like a normal person. When my blood gets to thick I experience light headeness or dizziness and chest pain and headaches. But never numbness in the arms. That numbness of the hands can happen from HGH or Mk677.
Sounds like a circulation issue of your hands are numb at night I missed that part in the original post. Maybe try a N02booster and Taurine.
What are your doses of test and NPP? and how much ai are you taking? Have you checked your blood pressure? I would start there
I actually did have the hands going numb at night thing when I ran Tren and blood pressure was crazy. Are you taking organ supports?
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