
testolone rad140


New member
Hey Dylan,

I've been watching your videos on youtube and looking at the forums on ISARMS. I got a question that I couldn't find an answer to. I picked up a bottle of RAD-140 and its only a 45 day supply. If I just ran the RAD for the 45 days, will I still need to do a mini PCT? If so, would I take a shorter PCT of clomid/Nolvadex? Or would I need to do it for the full four weeks? I don't know if this info is important or not, but i'm 29 and have been working out for almost 10 years and I would consider myself in good shape. Also, this is my first experiment with SARMS. I'm just trying to get a edge if you know what I mean. I appreciate everything you do and any info I can get would be great.
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