
Sustanon 250


New member
Hi Dylan I watch your YouTube videos which are amazing. I was wondering if you could help me. I’m from the uk and after 18months of hard work I’m finally getting prescribed Trt. I have been prescribed testosterone gel and have been using this gel every day for the last 6 months. Just had my blood checked and my test level is only 3.7 which shocked me ... although I knew all along the gel wasn’t working. This just proved it. My smbh is fine by the way. He has now prescribed me sustanon 250, One shot every 3 weeks Do you think this is enough? I keep reading it should be taken more frequently, like every 5-7 days. 125mg every 5-7 days. Thank you
at least once a week... sustanon was actually made for trt but i dont like it dosed every weeks...
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