
steroids and sarms


New member
Hey Dylan,

Curious if you’d ever considering making a video or series on how and why steroids and sarms work in the way they do. For example, Winstrol is great for cutting due to how it binds to androgen receptors in adipose tissue similar to testosterone but its much more effective..(not sure if thats really why), and tbol is great for gaining size because x,y,z. You have an amazing amount of knowledge and experience and it would great to have an insight into not only what they do but WHY they do them, “this drug is going to make your veins pop because x, this one is going to increase strength but also water retention” etc. Love the videos you have a great no bullshit attitude, the text visuals on the topic are great to really compartmentalize what the viewer is trying to learn, and you can tell you’re passionate, experienced, and highly knowledgeable on the subjects. You would be an amazing professor with a PhD in aesthetics, keep up the great work, I look forward to more videos.
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