
stenabolic SR 9009 and cardarine GW 501516 cycle


New member
Hello Dylan,

Your videos are very intuitive and given me alot of knowledge on the best supplements to take so I though I would try and come straight to you for advice.

I am going to start a SR 9009 8mg and GW 501516 10mg capsules cycle to try and drop my weight but maintain a good physical appearance. I now know that this cycle is none suppressive and what dosage I should be taken due to your video about stacks in March but I would like to know how long I should be on the cycle for, if I should take a break in between to get the best results and what you mean by taking a mini PCT?

Thank you for you time.
16 weeks with 4 weeks off in between and no pct is required... the best quality you can find is at
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