
Started taking cardarine, and I have some questions.


New member

I just started taking cardarine, I'm only on day 3 at the moment. Since taking it I have not felt any increase in cardio, in fact, I've felt worse. Since I started taking it, I have felt tired, like as if I would have low blood sugar or something. Have anyone else felt this? Maybe it's because my body is currently getting used to it or something? Also, since taking it I've had some throat pain, but I'm not sure it's because of the cardarine.
Of course I'm going to continue to take it, since it's only been three days. I'm just wondering if anyone else has felt the same after starting, maybe there's a transition period or something?

Well for starters 3 days hasn't given it much time. Where is it from? Just making sure quality isn't an issue.
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