
Sarms and steroid cycle


New member
Hello sir

i have just finished the cutting sarms cycle of 16 weeks and after that 4 week of pct now i was planing to start another cycle is it possible to start or i should give a gap of atleast 4 week after the pct
i am 80 kg and body fat under 13% and calories intake 1200 to 1500 daily 6 day a week proper workout and no other activity the whole day
pls let me knw what should be taken or should i go for bulk or lean mass i need some more lean mass and not water retention but hard muscle
thank you in advance
thanking you
The first thing for bulk is to increse your caloric intake.
You need to wait 4 weeks after pct before starting another cycle

Also what's your caloric intake going to be for adding size? Right now that's too low even for a cut.
1200 to 1500 daily? thats like starvation man... you need to figure out your maintenance caloric intake per day... you can find a calorie maintenance calculator online and you need to eat at least 500 calories over that number to start with to gain size and then adjust from there...
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