
SARMs and Gynecomastia


New member
I’ve run 2 seperate cycles of LGD in the past at 15mg ed for 12 weeks with a mini PCT consisting of Clomid and test boosters. A couple weeks ago I started with RAD140 and just yesterday I felt something strange about my nipple. I didn’t really feel much with my hand but it just didn’t feel right just on my chest. I don’t know if it’s gyno because I’ve never had this issue before. I got bloods done before my rad140 and estrogen was around 18.4. Currently taking 20 mg of Nolva every couple days starting yesterday to possibly alleviate symptoms. Can anyone help me out a little more? Thank you
sarms do not convert to estrogen so if you are getting that sort of issue, then you are not using real sarms... where did you get them? if you think you have an issue, instead of asking us to guess , you need to do bloodwork..
I got them from Choice Compounds. Fairly new site but seems reputable from what I read on the internet. It happened literally today so I wanted to just get some insight on the possibilities whether they were likely spiked with prohormones or if in certain cases Sarms can cause this kind of problem.
definitely NOT reputable at all and if you are experiencing gyno then that just further indicates that
ive never recommended sarms from a peptide company but thats something you will have to risk yourself
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