
Sarms and Cancer


Been doing a bit of research after having tried out sarms and was curious wouldnt something like mk2866 be EXTREMELY beneficial for individuals undergoing chemotherapy? i ask since my best friends mom got diagnosed with rectum cancer and she has to undergo both radiation and chemotherapy and the first thing the oncologist brought up is maintaining a stable weight. Just curious to hear if any of you more well-versed in the sarm spectrum have had thoughts or opinions on the matter. I know for me when i do take say a 6 to 8 week cycle of sarms my blood work gets a bit wanky, but after a tudca/liversupport and proper mini-pct it bounces back to normal
sarms were originally designed to prevent muscle wastage... remember that gw501516, sr9009 and mk677 do not technically fall into that category because they are technically not sarms.. mk2866 was the original that was designed for this purpose and would be a great option for that... osteoperosis, hiv etc... these are common diseases it is used...
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