
Rejected from Donation Blood



I was rejected today from donating blood due to my BPM (Beats per Minute) being 112 the first time and 106 the second time. The kind lady said it needs to be under 100.

BP 150/80
BPM 112 and 106
Any suggestions?

I was rejected today from donating blood due to my BPM (Beats per Minute) being 112 the first time and 106 the second time. The kind lady said it needs to be under 100.

BP 150/80
BPM 112 and 106
Any suggestions?

Your blood pressure and BPM are both very high, i would certainly go see a doc for this man...not good. Most people are around 60-100 BPM on the high end. What are your stats? weight,height,bf %? are you on a cycle currently?
TEST 300/Deca 300 (12 week cycle 5 weeks left)

Are you taking any cycle support for your blood pressure? or anything in general. Bro your in the hypertension range. Are you getting nose bleeds? headaches? anything to note?
your bp is elevated bro... your systolic number puts you in the isolated systolic hypertension area... thats something that needs checked...
The only reason I ask is if you just started or are running something new it could be anxiety. Not gonna bash you. It happens to me when I first start up. Especially with shorter esters.
Is your heart rate usually elevated? I would get some on cycle support just to protect yourself. If you blood is thick and the pressure is high it will damage your kidneys.
Are you running an ai? Aromasin or arimidex? Have you gained a lot of weight or retaining a lot of water
I would watch your caffeine, don't take a pre workout, lower your sodium under 1500mg per day, and order the cycle support.
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