
Recommended cutting for first time


New member
Hey, I have never used SARMs or any PEDs before, I am 33, 6'4", 230 lbs, and about 19% bodyfat, and looking to cut bodyfat. I was thinking of running RAD-140 and Cardarine, since after this I want to run MK-2866 and MK-677 for strength gains. My goals are strength and size, I want to be able to lift heavy but still look good. Ultimately I care most about improving my body fat% and my powerlifts.

Had bloodwork done a few months ago, and I am always on the low end of Total T (Usually 400-500, last measurement was 450) but have good free T (last was 22.6 pg/mL). Should I worry about suppression on any of these stacks? Any other numbers that would be helpful to look at before recommending a SARM stack?
Awesome thanks for the fast reply, what dosage amounts should I run for what length? This is my first cycle of anything, so I assume start slow and work up?
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