
Question about a cycle


New member
Hey Dylan I have been training for 2 and a half years and I have come along way naturally. Im 20 years old and I have ran a solo run of Rad-140 a few months ago, took a month off and im now running rad with yk11. After this cycle I am thinking about running Test-E by itself at 250mg a week. The problem is I dont have a good source to purchase it from and I dont want to just buy anything online because I think its sketchy and I dont want to get dirty or underdosed gear. I was wondering if you could refer me to a source or give me advice on how I can find a trusted source. I really don't wanna touch anything unless its pharma quality. I really appreciate you taking the time to read this email and keep uploading videos because your youtube channel has a lot of potential.
First question have you had ANY blood work done on those sarms ... I ask this because don't be fooled thinking Yk11 is just a sarm and should be treated like MK2866. It should not. It will suppress you quite a lot and it certainly can play around abit with your liver values. You are too young to start AAS mate . Spend 5 minutes reading through this forum you will see we don't give any advise regarding AAS to guys so young.
if you paid me, i would not advise you to use steroids... thats just ridiculous to say the least... STOP being so foolish and get your head together...
Your way to young to be using gear and did you really think someone is just going to give you a source??? Come on man
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