
PCT Stage


New member
Hi, just currently coming to the end of a Winstrol oral only cycle ran at 30/40mg ed, I am currently tapering off and don’t have intention to PCT at the end of this cycle as I did PCT at the end of my Anavar only cycle and it didn’t seem to do much also a lot of people have suggested going down the route of tapering off lowering dose til 0 to avoid a crash. But I’m wanting to maximise my gains while off cycle period would you reccomend running something like Pro Viron or MK677 to help me keep all my gains and add on more while off cycle or do you not find this safe or effective? Thanks
i think you have lost your mind and so have the people you are associating with.. thats just ridiculous.. proviron will do nothing for recovery nor will mk677.. you are going to have to learn the hard way since you seem intent on that
Train wreck well on its way........nothing surprises me on this forum anymore. Listen to Dylan he has seen it all.
At least do a Nolva pct. Chances are you're going to be fine. But this is like russian roulette, don't do this again.
I've seen people do winny only and feel like shit for 6 months, it's harsher than you might think.
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