
PCT help


New member
Hello. I’ve taking steroids on and off for about 5 years. It has been 2 years now that I’ve been completely off. I’m in my 40’s now. I know I have low T now. I have the fatigue and I get everything that comes with low T. Also I have the shrunken Testicles. Is there anyway to reverse my shrunken testicles problem. I never had the knowledge of PCT. I am wondering if there is anyway I can boost back my natural Testosterone ? What can I do? Thank you in advance.
good lord. you need to not be asking any questions except for getting to an endocrinologist, period... thats all you need to be concerned about because you have likely wrecked yourself beyond repair... i have no clue why you would use steroids without having a clue what you are doing but now you are going to have to deal with the consequences from it...
Hello. I’ve taking steroids on and off for about 5 years. It has been 2 years now that I’ve been completely off. I’m in my 40’s now. I know I have low T now. I have the fatigue and I get everything that comes with low T. Also I have the shrunken Testicles. Is there anyway to reverse my shrunken testicles problem. I never had the knowledge of PCT. I am wondering if there is anyway I can boost back my natural Testosterone ? What can I do? Thank you in advance.
2 years and your balls are still not functioning? Im sorry but it doesnt look good for you. Most likely you will be on trt for the rest of your life. Go see an endo asap. He might be able to help you but youre gonna need bloodwork to see what exactly your hormone levels are

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You need bloodwork to see what's going on because you most likely need TRT. You're in your 40's so that's not necessary a bad thing so an appointment with an Endo would be the right way to do it.
You need a full hormone panel to see what's going on there bud, and it's likely if you didn't recover properly in the past your next stop will be with an endocrinologist
all i can tell you is that you need to do one thing and thats get to the endo, not be asking anyone anywhere anything else.. you clearly have put yourself in a horrible position now and just have to deal with what comes with that
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