
Not sure what to make of this....vets?


Active member
I have noticed a pattern over the years as I switch between clean bulking and cutting, but I am not sure how to interpret what I am experiencing.

I am 38, 5'10, 175lbs around 10-11% BF. My maintenance is around 2700. I generally start a clean bulk around 2900-3000 at about 260P, 320C and 65F. Overtime I slowly increase calories via carbs. When I cut, I normally start around 2300 at about 250P, 215C and 50F and reduce carbs (maybe a little fat) overtime as needed. I don't go below 160-170 Carbs.

What I have noticed is that I actually feel better mentally and have a bit more energy when my calories and carbs are lower. I enjoy the whole clean bulking process because I enjoy eating, but notice as I do overtime, I seem to be more tired and tend to be lazy/not focused. Also, the more carbs I eat in my diet, the hungrier I am. Carb sources (oatmeal, sweet potatoes, fruit ect.) are always the same regardless of cutting or bulking, only the serving sizes vary.

From a blood work stand point, my glucose levels are always in range and A1C is also within range.

Thoughts or comments?
I notice the same thing but my bulk calories are a fair bit higher and I've always attributed that to being full, blood being at stomach and digesting all the time. The only other thing that I can think coming into play is ghrelin which actually stimulates some brain function and nerve development.
Digesting large meals takes a lot of energy. Being full also makes most sluggish. It's impossible to empty your system during a bulk so you constantly have approximately 5lbs of food in you at any given time. And smaller meals will be digested more easily needless to say so yes it makes sense to fee more energetic when eating less. I have way more energy when I do a day fast now and then.
I’m experiencing the exact same thing at the moment brother.. I’m bulking at 3300+ kcal and I’m eating almost 400g of carbs and I often feel tired and mentally drained! Digesting all those carbs takes time and energy bro ..
I enjoy the actual of eating of the food, but then want to take a nap. Fortunately I have a recliner in my office so I can if I want, but I still have work that has to get done.
I always feel better when my calories are on the lower side... Now the carbs, i feel like dog shit if they are too low... thats something i did for far too long and it was just detrimental in every way, especially when it comes to energy and attitude but with higher calories, it can make you more tired and lethargic... its quite common...
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