
Newb: First SARMs cycle.


New member
Hey all from Australia,


Age: 35;
Height: 6'2";
Weight: 220/100kg;
Body fat %: 19;
Years of training: 8 kung fu and weights;
Complete cycle history: LGD + GW + SR9009;
PCT for each cycle; not yet applicable;
Goals: To get down to 10% bf and build some lean muscle;
Supplements (if any): protein/creatine/glutamine;
General idea of nutrition; Diet needs cleaning up - have a sweet tooth;
Any other relevant info; Prior torn supraspinatus/bursitis, L4/L5 + L5/S1 disc herniation, wrist tendon injury.

So started SARMs two (2) weeks ago. The endurance side has started to kick in and am noticing general strength increases in the gym across pretty much all lifts. Most noticeably with bench press (+20kg/44lbs). Just want to get fit again, and be happy with the way that i look. Would be stoked if i transformed my body to be similar to Chris Hemsworth as Thor in the Avengers haha.
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