
Muscle dystrophy


New member
Hi Dylan,
I'm from India and I have a condition called Lgmd2a which is a type of muscle dystrophy.
it's a gene defect which causes muscle wasting.
I'm 27 years old and slowly my problem is progressing. I can walk a short distance but then I have to use my wheelchair.
I see your YouTube videos and I wonder if any of the information you have could help me.
Hgh, ostarin other anabolic stuff.
Please let me know, I would be thankful.
Waiting for your response.
Thank you.
i really dont know how to help with this condition... sarms are designed to help with muscle wasting diseases so that is something you could try but with that severe of a condition, there is no guarantee they will work on that.. you have a very severe condition and so you are a different case altogether
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