
mk677 and ostarine bottles


New member
Hey so I was honest with my doctor told them I wanted all my hormone levels checked and she asked why? I pulled out the mk677 and ostarine bottles and said well I wanna try this out but I want my numbers before during and after she said your insurance won't cover it. So I said well I got $500 cash and pulled it out an said does this cover it?. She said well since you told me why you wanted them checked I can't get those checked for you because of this product you want to take and if your numbers are off I just signed myself up to get your numbers back to normal and I quite frankly don't know how to do that I'm sorry.
LOL wow, just wow.. 1. its none of her fucking business why you want them tested 2. why on the planet earth would you walk in there with bottles of ped's and show her them? thats on you for being ridiculous on that one...

just go to and get your bloodwork there and use your head in the future when you go to a doctor and ask questions
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