
Mk-677 high dose short cycle vs low dose long cycle


New member
Im looking for the best bang for my buck/most total muscle growth. Im 20 and have decided to attempt being a half natty. Would I be better off researching 10mg a day for 8 months, 15 mg a day for 6 months,or 20mg a day for 4 months?
You need to run it 25mg per day bud... under that dose it's just a waste...

Have you considered LGD-4033?
I wanted to start with something that has no suppression at my age. Also coming off a battle with a back injury thought this would help the most
Mk-677 hasn't suppression. It raises GH output. It needs to be ran at 25mg per day and a full year to get the most out of it. Running it shorter term isn't goi g to offer you much of anything. You also need to have high quality legit MK-677, and the very best high quality you'll find is from
you want to run it 6 months minimum bro... 25 mg per day and each bottle will last you 1 month...
So I would be better off using 25mg for 6 months vs 12.5mg for 1 year? From my research I've found that using mk, gh and especially igf levels compound over time, igf levels raise 20% from 6 months to 9 months of use. Ive also found Igf is raised to 152% at 10mg, 179% at 15mg and 200% at 25mg. That doesn't take into account the ratio of gh to igf.. With lower doses having the most credible research. But Im sure someone might have information to counter that. Again Im looking for the most value for my money I was originally going to do a low dose long term but will change that if 25/day is getting more support
So I would be better off using 25mg for 6 months vs 12.5mg for 1 year? From my research I've found that using mk, gh and especially igf levels compound over time, igf levels raise 20% from 6 months to 9 months of use. Ive also found Igf is raised to 152% at 10mg, 179% at 15mg and 200% at 25mg. That doesn't take into account the ratio of gh to igf.. With lower doses having the most credible research. But Im sure someone might have information to counter that. Again Im looking for the most value for my money I was originally going to do a low dose long term but will change that if 25/day is getting more support
You can do whatever you want bro, but in my honest opinion you are wasting it at the lower dose
Will deff take your guys advice as it makes sense more I think of it because your probably only getting the equivalent of a low dose of hgh around maybe 2iu from 25mg/day so anything less is more for "fountain of youth benefits" ill prob start slow something like 5mg/day for a week then 10mg for a month then add 5 every month till i hit 25 then do that for 6 months all depending on how I feel. I have a fast metabolism and I've also been told low doses will do more fat burning than size gains so Ill see how that plays out if I lean out too much off the bat ill go right up to 25. Im looking forward to the hunger benefits because I think thats why I have hit a wall progression wise.
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