
MK-667 spots


Alright All

I did plan on running Mk667 for the whole year, I started last December, so I've nearly done 6 months. But my back and shoulders aren't looking too pretty...I have some proper spots going on! I only had a few to start with in the first couple of months and I thought they were because of the other SARMs I was taking, I was on the Healing Stack, which consists of Ostarine and Anabolicum as well as MK-677, then I followed up with the PCT and thought maybe that would help out with the spots...but nope, I've still got them. So I can't kid myself any longer it's definitely the MK that's causing the spots, so I'll have to knock it on the head and perhaps start again when the spots go, as I've still got 3 bottles.
Did any of you suffer with spots from MK-677?
Vildail, how's it going Pal...there's no chance I'm going to be putting a picture of my spotty back on any forum lol. But the spots are the ones you squeeze and if you're lucky you might get a pop and some pus on the mirror or you might only get a bit of blood and water, which is nowhere near as rewarding as pus on the mirror!
Have you got a log running, if so post me the link as I would like to see your progress. I haven't checked in for quite a while.
Either one you have zits and there is zero reason to worry about something like this is it isnt a real health issue although i do understand how disheartening/embarrasing it may be to have them.

Or two whatever claim you are trying to make really has no backing, because if it isnt backne you are having and you cant post a pic to let us see it there isnt a single thing anyone can do here to help you. Which basically turns this into a MK bashing thread for the most part.
brother, those are not "spots" whatsoever... that is that deep under the skin acne which is common ANYTIME you have hormonal changes...
Hey brother by the way I love that screen name, it cant remember but this is probably the second time I've told you this. One thing that stands out big time is on question are you still in pct or how long has it been since you stopped PCT?
Thanks for the responses. SdBronco, it was not my intention to slate ML-677, that would be childish and pointless, and that's just not me. To answer your question regarding my PCT, that finished on May 17th. So could it be the other compounds that have caused the acne and I should give it a little more time to see if it clears up, rather than stopping the MK?
I would appreciate your thoughts...thanks.
Thanks for the responses. SdBronco, it was not my intention to slate ML-677, that would be childish and pointless, and that's just not me. To answer your question regarding my PCT, that finished on May 17th. So could it be the other compounds that have caused the acne and I should give it a little more time to see if it clears up, rather than stopping the MK?
I would appreciate your thoughts...thanks.

That explains everything right there bro. You JUST finished pct, and your body is changing trying to reach homoestatsis. Acne develops when your hormone levels change for both going on and coming off of a cycle. When I come off its usually the worst. It has nothing to do with MK-677. It's the change your body is going Hugh and it will work itself out over time
Good possibility it was the lgd 4033. I did get quite a bit of acne on my shoulders and chest from that but it cleared up a few weeks after I was done taking it and everything was back to normal. Hang in there and just use a good acne wash with Sacylic (sp) acid in it. It helps.
rick made a very good point and i did not know this info bro... thats exactly what it is... 677 is probably the least likely of any sarm to cause acne... there's just a hormonal imbalance right now bro...
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