
MK 2866 and hernia surgery

Background info: I'm having surgery May 8th for a spigelian hernia (really rare kind but highest risk of strangulation occurring). I got it from Powerlifting. I haven't done any barbell movement for almost 5 weeks, have dropped 15lbs because my appetite is shot, and have been advised not to powerlift for at least 8 weeks post surgery, preferably ten. I've been doing light hypertrophy high rep things at my apartment gym, and can start that again 4 weeks post surgery.

Question: Can I start taking MK 2866 one week prior to surgery to try to retain as much muscle and strength as possible, also to speed up recovery, and run it 12 weeks followed by my PCT? Any other suggestions on how to keep weight up and maintain current strength and muscle? I plan on drinking BCAAs non stop as well and eating whatever I can tolerate

All products are from sarmsx

Stats: 174lbs (was 189 4 weeks ago)
BF: 10%
Age: 22
Cycle history: MK 2866 solo, then LGD and S4, all with clomid gw pct from sarmsx
Squat: 485, Bench:295 (paused), Deadlift: 605

Thank you any responses, my apologies for possibly writing too much.
absolutely... i would make it very simple... stack lgd and mk2866... perfect for both your goals... you now how to run it and where to get... very simple but extremely effective for what you want and need brother!
It would definitely help a lot with retaining your muscle mass while also enhancing your recovery. I think it's a great idea
Awsome thank you all for the replies! I love MK 2866, definitely my favorite of all the sarms I've tried closely followed by GW. Made me feel incredible the whole cycle
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