
Missed PCT completely


New member
Hey Dylan,

What should I do if I missed my PCT completely?

My cycled ended roughly 4-8 weeks ago and for reasons unbeknownst to me I never started my PCT. I’m well aware of the side effects from not PCTing, as I’m sure Im going through them still to this day.

I have a few questions...

1: My main concern/ question is should I bother kick starting my natural test before continuing onto another cycle?

2: What will happen if I continue onto another cycle without kickstarting natural test?

3: At this point is it beneficial to kickstart even though it will be shutdown soon after or has the damage been done?

My concern is more for my well being and testicular health before anything. Thank you for your time, your advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
the only answer to any of your questions is to get bloodwork done... i have no clue what you ran for a cycle last and i do know this, not running a pct is not going to lead to ANYTHING GOOD WHATSOEVER... you need to get bloodwork done and tell me what you ran for your last cycle so i know more... also, what do you mean 4-8 weeks ago... thats DOUBLE the amount of what it could have been.. you dont even know when you finished your cycle dude? how on earth could anyone feel comfortable advising you to use a dangerous drug like a steroid if your gap is that big... you are VERY VERY careless man... i'll help you to get recovered but i wouldnt advise you steroid use if you paid me
My concern is more for my well being and testicular health before anything. Thank you for your time, your advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Obviously not or you wouldn't be in the mess you're in right now. We need bloodwork first and foremost to be able to help you.
If you missed your pct, regardless of the are probably off and not where you need to be. You need bloodwork to see exactly what is off and that needs adressed first and foremost before anything else
You certainly shouldn't even consider another cycle until you've got bloodwork and addresses the issues you've caused. It's not to late to do anything about it but will almost certainly be a slower process than if you had done PCT correctly.
lets put it this way... thinking about, talking about or even considering another cycle would be far past reckless... period.. lets not play a game to see just how reckless we can be... clearly you fucked up ... it happens but for fucks sake dont continue to make things worse..
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