
Low IGF, will Mk677 help?


New member
I got a IGF-1 Liasion score of 35, which was inside the reference range of 22-73
However, I stand in the bottom 2.5% percentile of my age 20.

I see that Mk677 is HGH secretagogue and naturally stimulates 1) HGH and thus 2) IGF-1.
I'm shitting because i've always had heard palpitations, racing heart, gotten all the monitors and they can't seem to find the cause, and see that low IGF is a cause of heart problems especially down the road.
Apparently GHRP's and MK677 are the best way to stimulate HGH/IGF,

what are your thoughts? Should I take mk677 for the benefits + general health?
yes, absolutely... 677 have shown in studies to increase igf up to 60% after 6 months and after a year, in the high 70% range
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