
Interested in SARMs, Need Guidance


New member
Hi Dylan,

I just watched your video on MK2866 and found it very informative. I've been considering Ostarine/ostabolic for the past several months and am now 80% sure that I would like to try it. A bit of a background:

former rower
23, 6'2, 190 lbs
training for an elite military selection program

At this moment, my training consists of 60% cardio (high intensity & steady state) and 40% strength training. I am looking to improve my strength, 1.5 mile run time, but most importantly heal minor injuries in my shoulder and wrists that I sustained while snowboarding. These injuries have been healing on their own but could become a serious issue if they are not 100% before I ship off to training.

Do you think I am a good fit for an Ostarine cycle? If so, what do you recommend for intra- and post-cycle therapy? Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
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