
HGH question


New member
I have a question about using HGH. When to use it and how to use it? My age is 27 atm.

Then I also have another question, I was running a test cycle only, and watched all of your videos about how to use it right and how to run a proper pct after the cycle. The cycle was about 14 weeks, and PCT around 30 days (Nolva, Aromasin, Clomid) . STIL, I have been working out properly even HARDER, than when I was on cycle..I feel like I've gained a little bit unneccessary belly fat, due to the right diet and so on, ofc I've not been always 100% clean with the diet but it feels like my belly has more fat than usual. What do you suggest is the best way for me to get that burned away ? I powerwalk 45 minutes everyday on am empty stomach before eating and it has showed a little bit of result but it feels like since this happened, it's harder for me to burn of fat. I do alots of HIIT training and weightlifting to make that clear. Please give me some advice of what to do. Peace out bro
you didnt run a full pct as instructed and didnt control coritsol... you also dont need to use hgh at 27 years old and you clearly have not done one stitch of research on it either... not good.. did you get bloodwork done after your cycle?
Bro doc says bw is fine..I've checked that up. What to do now? Im prone to MPB and i can't run test NO more .. I want to gain muscle natty and get rid of shitty fat..has my own test dropped? Help me bro
Bro you just need to get your diet in order...period. GH isnt going to burn it for you. You said yourself your diet isnt 100% perfect. You can't out exercise a bad diet no matter how hard you work

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