
GH for injury recovery


I've been experiencing some terrible shoulder pain and it is getting progressively worse to the point where I can no longer do a moderate weight on lat pulldowns, chest movements are pretty much off limits and anything overhead is out the window. Needless to say, I think it's time to take some time off and recover. No point in exacerbating the problem(cardio will still be done throughout the week and legs training will continue shortly). I started MK-2866 as well as BPC-157(source was questionable as are most peptide sources), I felt a slight improvement for a short while but the pain is still there. Has anyone used GH for enhanced recovery from things like shoulder injuries, rotater cuff issues,etc ? If so, what protocol did you find useful? Length of use, dosages, etc. All input is appreciated. Before anyone says "Why were you using fucked up form and getting hurt?!" I wasn't lol The injuries stem from an injury I had when I was in my early teens(when I didn't even know lifting was a thing).
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