
Gh for enhanced recovery


I've been experiencing some terrible shoulder pain and it is getting progressively worse to the point where I can no longer do a moderate weight on lat pulldowns, chest movements are pretty much off limits and anything overhead is out the window. Needless to say, I think it's time to take some time off and recover. No point in exacerbating the problem(cardio will still be done throughout the week and legs training will continue shortly). I started MK-2866 as well as BPC-157(source was questionable as are most peptide sources), I felt a slight improvement for a short while but the pain is still there. Has anyone used GH for enhanced recovery from things like shoulder injuries, rotater cuff issues,etc ? If so, what protocol did you find useful? Length of use, dosages, etc. All input is appreciated. Before anyone says "Why were you using fucked up form and getting hurt?!" I wasn't lol The injuries stem from an injury I had when I was in my early teens(when I didn't even know lifting was a thing).
My last two injuries I've run tb-500 (thymosin beta 4) at 2mg/week in two separate doses (one Monday one Thursday) and turned 20 week recovery times into 4-6 week recovery times. my last two injuries were pulling open my AC joint in my shoulder and tearing the meniscus in my knee and I've found that peptide to be phenomenal in recovery. also everyone I know who's run BPC has gotten incredible recovery from it as long as the source you're getting it from is giving you the actual peptide. as for sarms to run the MK-2866 will help with recovery as well as MK-677 to look into since GH will allow the body to recovery considerably quicker since its the hormone that will create new tissue. SarmsX has an awesome healing stack you should check out.

Someone above my knowledge will probably chime in and help you out even more but thats what I've done in the past with a lot of success
I just got over a pec tear and shoulder pain. I was running 3iu a day on a cruise and I'm back to bench a month after it happened.
I just got over a pec tear and shoulder pain. I was running 3iu a day on a cruise and I'm back to bench a month after it happened.

That's crazy fast!! I tore my pec and had surgery to repair it and was in a sling for 3.5 weeks after surgery and total heal time was 6 months. Doc would not perform surgery until test was out of my system so I was in pct during the recovery phase. I thought about hgh but didn't want to add it cause it takes some time to get the benefits. Thinking about starting some hgh and have been doing some research about possible sides and how to handle them. Are you running pharma grade hgh?
I just got over a pec tear and shoulder pain. I was running 3iu a day on a cruise and I'm back to bench a month after it happened.

In your estimate, how long do you think one would have to run it at 3iu a day in order to start seeing some benefits? I know things like MK677 have to be ran for a while.
Well my tear was minor.... I should emphasize that. And I had been running growth for a month and a half or so when that happened. Had to cut my cycle short because I couldn't really work out and felt like it was a waste.
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