
Forma Stanzol v3


New member
Since we are being truthful about all things here. What is everyone's take on this product by muscle research. Does it actually work.. I've been scude by other forums
Yolked said:
Since we are being truthful about all things here. What is everyone's take on this product by muscle research. Does it actually work.. I've been scude by other forums

I would not even consider going near that... just stick with aromasin or arimidex... these otc products are nothing in comparison... forma stanzol works to a point but its not worth it whatsoever... just stick with the two i mentioned...
It depends on what you are using it for. I did a log for them that they sponsored where I took the normal two pumps once a day like it recommends. I was on a bulk at that time, taking 600mg of test, 400mg of deca, and 500IU of HCG a week. After a month, my E2 level was 248! A blood test taken later on showed my Test level was 3600ish in the trough. My WBC was high because I was getting over being sick.

COLLECTED: 2015/04/03 09:29
AGE: 45
Private MD Labs

WBC                         12.5    HIGH    3.4-10.8 x10E3/uL
RBC                         4.91             4.14-5.80 x10E6/uL
Hemoglobin                  15.2             12.6-17.7 g/dL
Hematocrit                  44.6             37.5-51.0 %
MCV                         91               79-97 fL
MCH                         31.0             26.6-33.0 pg
MCHC                        34.1             31.5-35.7 g/dL
RDW                         13.4             12.3-15.4 %
Platelets                   243              150-379 x10E3/uL
Neutrophils                 61 %
Lymphs                      29 %
Monocytes                   9 %
Eos                         1 %
Basos                       0 %
Neutrophils (Absolute)      7.6       HIGH    1.4-7.0 x10E3/uL
Lymphs (Absolute)           3.6       HIGH     0.7-3.1 x10E3/uL
Monocytes(Absolute)         1.1       HIGH    0.1-0.9 x10E3/uL
Eos (Absolute)              0.1                   0.0-0.4 x10E3/uL
Baso (Absolute)             0.0                   0.0-0.2 x10E3/uL
Immature Granulocytes       0 %
Immature Grans (Abs)        0.0                   0.0-0.1 x10E3/uL
Glucose, Serum              88                    65-99 mg/dL
BUN                         21                    6-24 mg/dL
Creatinine, Serum           0.95                 0.76-1.27 mg/dL
eGFR If NonAfricn Am        96                  >59 mL/min/1.73
BUN/Creatinine Ratio        22        HIGH     9-20
Sodium, Serum               140                   134-144 mmol/L
Potassium, Serum            4.2                    3.5-5.2 mmol/L
Chloride, Serum             101                    97-108 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide, Total       22                    18-29 mmol/L
Calcium, Serum              9.0                    8.7-10.2 mg/dL
Protein, Total, Serum       6.8                    6.0-8.5 g/dL
Albumin, Serum              4.3                     3.5-5.5 g/dL
Globulin, Total             2.5                     1.5-4.5 g/dL
A/G Ratio                   1.7                     1.1-2.5
Bilirubin, Total            0.4                     0.0-1.2 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase        87                     39-117 IU/L
AST (SGOT)                  33                      0-40 IU/L
ALT (SGPT)                  40                      0-44 IU/L
Testosterone, Serum        >1500      HIGH     348-1197 ng/dL
LH                          0.1       LOW       1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
FSH                         <0.2      LOW      1.5-12.4 mIU/mL
Estradiol                   248.4     HIGH     7.6-42.6 pg/mL

I shifted back to using Letro at double my normal dose for two weeks and then back to my normal Letro dose and everything was back to normal. I do not recommend people use Letro for their AI as it is WAYYY strong. It is too easy to crash your E2. Letro is old school and I started using it before I learned about the modern AIs.
cybrsage said:
It depends on what you are using it for. I did a log for them they sponsored where I took the normal two pumps once a day like it recommends. I was on a bulk at that time, taking 600mg of test, 400mg of deca, and 500IU of HCG a week. After a month, my E2 level was 248! A blood test taken later on showed my Test level wsa 3600ish in the trough. Me WBC was high because I was getting over being sick.

COLLECTED: 2015/04/03 09:29
AGE: 45
Private MD Labs

WBC                         12.5    HIGH    3.4-10.8 x10E3/uL
RBC                         4.91             4.14-5.80 x10E6/uL
Hemoglobin                  15.2             12.6-17.7 g/dL
Hematocrit                  44.6             37.5-51.0 %
MCV                         91               79-97 fL
MCH                         31.0             26.6-33.0 pg
MCHC                        34.1             31.5-35.7 g/dL
RDW                         13.4             12.3-15.4 %
Platelets                   243              150-379 x10E3/uL
Neutrophils                 61 %
Lymphs                      29 %
Monocytes                   9 %
Eos                         1 %
Basos                       0 %
Neutrophils (Absolute)      7.6       HIGH    1.4-7.0 x10E3/uL
Lymphs (Absolute)           3.6       HIGH     0.7-3.1 x10E3/uL
Monocytes(Absolute)         1.1       HIGH    0.1-0.9 x10E3/uL
Eos (Absolute)              0.1                   0.0-0.4 x10E3/uL
Baso (Absolute)             0.0                   0.0-0.2 x10E3/uL
Immature Granulocytes       0 %
Immature Grans (Abs)        0.0                   0.0-0.1 x10E3/uL
Glucose, Serum              88                    65-99 mg/dL
BUN                         21                    6-24 mg/dL
Creatinine, Serum           0.95                 0.76-1.27 mg/dL
eGFR If NonAfricn Am        96                  >59 mL/min/1.73
BUN/Creatinine Ratio        22        HIGH     9-20
Sodium, Serum               140                   134-144 mmol/L
Potassium, Serum            4.2                    3.5-5.2 mmol/L
Chloride, Serum             101                    97-108 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide, Total       22                    18-29 mmol/L
Calcium, Serum              9.0                    8.7-10.2 mg/dL
Protein, Total, Serum       6.8                    6.0-8.5 g/dL
Albumin, Serum              4.3                     3.5-5.5 g/dL
Globulin, Total             2.5                     1.5-4.5 g/dL
A/G Ratio                   1.7                     1.1-2.5
Bilirubin, Total            0.4                     0.0-1.2 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase        87                     39-117 IU/L
AST (SGOT)                  33                      0-40 IU/L
ALT (SGPT)                  40                      0-44 IU/L
Testosterone, Serum        >1500      HIGH     348-1197 ng/dL
LH                          0.1       LOW       1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
FSH                         <0.2      LOW      1.5-12.4 mIU/mL
Estradiol                   248.4     HIGH     7.6-42.6 pg/mL

I shifted back to using Letro at double my normal dose for two weeks and then back to my normal Letro dose and everything was back to normal. I do not recommend people use Letro for their AI as it is WAYYY strong. It is too easy to crash your E2. Letro is old school and I started using it before I learned about the modern AIs.

that says it all...
cybrsage said:
It depends on what you are using it for. I did a log for them they sponsored where I took the normal two pumps once a day like it recommends. I was on a bulk at that time, taking 600mg of test, 400mg of deca, and 500IU of HCG a week. After a month, my E2 level was 248! A blood test taken later on showed my Test level wsa 3600ish in the trough. Me WBC was high because I was getting over being sick.

COLLECTED: 2015/04/03 09:29
AGE: 45
Private MD Labs

WBC                         12.5    HIGH    3.4-10.8 x10E3/uL
RBC                         4.91             4.14-5.80 x10E6/uL
Hemoglobin                  15.2             12.6-17.7 g/dL
Hematocrit                  44.6             37.5-51.0 %
MCV                         91               79-97 fL
MCH                         31.0             26.6-33.0 pg
MCHC                        34.1             31.5-35.7 g/dL
RDW                         13.4             12.3-15.4 %
Platelets                   243              150-379 x10E3/uL
Neutrophils                 61 %
Lymphs                      29 %
Monocytes                   9 %
Eos                         1 %
Basos                       0 %
Neutrophils (Absolute)      7.6       HIGH    1.4-7.0 x10E3/uL
Lymphs (Absolute)           3.6       HIGH     0.7-3.1 x10E3/uL
Monocytes(Absolute)         1.1       HIGH    0.1-0.9 x10E3/uL
Eos (Absolute)              0.1                   0.0-0.4 x10E3/uL
Baso (Absolute)             0.0                   0.0-0.2 x10E3/uL
Immature Granulocytes       0 %
Immature Grans (Abs)        0.0                   0.0-0.1 x10E3/uL
Glucose, Serum              88                    65-99 mg/dL
BUN                         21                    6-24 mg/dL
Creatinine, Serum           0.95                 0.76-1.27 mg/dL
eGFR If NonAfricn Am        96                  >59 mL/min/1.73
BUN/Creatinine Ratio        22        HIGH     9-20
Sodium, Serum               140                   134-144 mmol/L
Potassium, Serum            4.2                    3.5-5.2 mmol/L
Chloride, Serum             101                    97-108 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide, Total       22                    18-29 mmol/L
Calcium, Serum              9.0                    8.7-10.2 mg/dL
Protein, Total, Serum       6.8                    6.0-8.5 g/dL
Albumin, Serum              4.3                     3.5-5.5 g/dL
Globulin, Total             2.5                     1.5-4.5 g/dL
A/G Ratio                   1.7                     1.1-2.5
Bilirubin, Total            0.4                     0.0-1.2 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase        87                     39-117 IU/L
AST (SGOT)                  33                      0-40 IU/L
ALT (SGPT)                  40                      0-44 IU/L
Testosterone, Serum        >1500      HIGH     348-1197 ng/dL
LH                          0.1       LOW       1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
FSH                         <0.2      LOW      1.5-12.4 mIU/mL
Estradiol                   248.4     HIGH     7.6-42.6 pg/mL

I shifted back to using Letro at double my normal dose for two weeks and then back to my normal Letro dose and everything was back to normal. I do not recommend people use Letro for their AI as it is WAYYY strong. It is too easy to crash your E2. Letro is old school and I started using it before I learned about the modern AIs.

The original Formastanozol was actually pretty decent, but that compound has been banned and is no longer available. I don't know much about the new version at all, but results like this tell me it's not worth it at all. It doesn't seem to be doing what it's supposed to in any way
I did feel some tightening of my skin with it. Not a bad tightening, but in a good way. I also has a slightly better feeling about life and myself while on it. But it did not help me during my blast.
The original version did actually work... i dried out with it extremely fast and noticed a lot of change but that's in the past and has not been around for quite some time... every one of the products that were banned and reformulated, like beastdrol, katanadrol etc... they were nowhere even close to what they should be... they were mainly otc herbs with small doses of methylated compounds that were way overpriced for what you go and did and do little to nothing for you except trick you into believing your using something far stronger than you truly are...
DylanGemelli said:
The original version did actually work... i dried out with it extremely fast and noticed a lot of change but that's in the past and has not been around for quite some time... every one of the products that were banned and reformulated, like beastdrol, katanadrol etc... they were nowhere even close to what they should be... they were mainly otc herbs with small doses of methylated compounds that were way overpriced for what you go and did and do little to nothing for you except trick you into believing your using something far stronger than you truly are...

yep.....on point. all the good sh!ts long gone.
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