
Do Aromasin, Arimidex and Letrozole Crush Gains?: A new video by Dylan Gemelli


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In this video, I answer the question of whether aromasin, arimidex and letrozole crush gains... There is a huge misconception that they will ruin a cycle and crush your gains, when in fact, misuse is the reasoning and cause of this... Learn the truth behind this question with clear and concise reasoning... Do not miss this video!

Do Aromasin, Arimidex and Letrozole Crush Gains?:
Very good video and topic to cover. There's so many that tgink using an AI will affect your gains, but it couldn't be farther from the long as you control estrogen as intended without crushing it. Not using an AI tends to make the scale move more because of all the water retention, which is where I think a lot of this B.S. bioscience originated
i just want to make sure everyone gets a chance to see this because there is A LOT of misconception on this topic that absolutely needs cleared up...
I get severe anxiety as soon as my E2 drops below 20 it's weird as fuck. That's how I know I'm way to damn low and won't take anything for 2-3 pins although they say 10 is as low as you want to go I try and keep mine around 30 but I do fall below at hit the low 20s. It's taken me awhile to figure it all out but knowing the systems is key.

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I get severe anxiety as soon as my E2 drops below 20 it's weird as fuck. That's how I know I'm way to damn low and won't take anything for 2-3 pins although they say 10 is as low as you want to go I try and keep mine around 30 but I do fall below at hit the low 20s. It's taken me awhile to figure it all out but knowing the systems is key.

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absolutely bro and at least you know how to tell now and can take care of it right away... thanks for sharing bro!
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