
Couple of steroid questions


New member
Hi Dylan, big fan from the Bay Area. So right now I'm on the second week of PCT for my second PH run (Msten at 20mg ed, 4 weeks), and I am currently taking:
Tamoxifen Citrate @ 40/20/20/20,
OL's Ep1logue at 2 caps ED pre workout,
OL's Str3ngth Unleashed (Laxo) at 100mgs ED,
Aromasin @ 12.5mgs EoD, and finally;
MK677 at 25mgs ED

First off, I'll give you a little information about myself.

24 years old, 6'1.5", 195lbs, 7% BF, the reason I am taking Aromasin during PCT is that I still have a pair of pubescent gynecomastia lumps, which are not of a concern, and are extremely small. I've also been lifting seriously for 5 years now. Had bloodwork done before cycle, and everything was in the normal range.

So, 1. Do you think this pct plan is good enough? I feel amazing at the moment, and the lethargy is completely gone, but should I add anything else to it to continue growing?

2. What do you recommend for the time off? I tend to stay away from SARMs during time off because of the suppression, so anything else worth trying? Any suggestions for a good, powerful test booster, or should I just stick with Ep1logue for its UroBolin?

3. My next cycle is going to be a MSTEN/Trenavar stack for February; MSTEN at 20mg/Var at 90mg ed, plus the proper cycle support, etc. Should I use a test base this time to avoid the unbearable lethargy that would be inevitable during the last weeks? I still have a bottle of Sup3r DHEA laying around somewhere.
i would not advise you to use steroids if you paid me a million dollars.. yes, you can make your own choices but im certainly not contributing to someone ruining your life... listen man, i get THOUSANDS of questions per day and I have been doing this a long time and have seen it all... i think i know what happens to guys that use steroids your age and you know what, its never good, not at all... you are gong to learn a very very severe and lifelong lesson that i have a feeling you dont want to encounter... you are too young to be using ANYTHING bro... be smart, don't be a fool and learn the hard way…

you need to watch my video on the dangers of underage steroid use…
There is no love for prohormones here bro and certainly not at your age.

As far as your PCT I'd suggest you add clomiphene and GW510516 asap - although Dylan would be able to tell you better than me - then get bloodwork done after 4 weeks and post your results here.
You shouldn't be using any kind of steroid or prohormone, and using orals only is about the worst thing you can do.

At yoyr age you need to stick with sarms and stay away from these toxic and side effect ridden prohormones especially without a test base
Thank you so much for the feedback guys. Unfortunately the competitiveness of college athletics sometimes requires the "edge", with that being said, I have actually reconsidered on running any orals in the future regardless, unless as a kickstart/closer for a long test cycle. Again thank you for the feedback, I'd look more into SARMs for the future use. One thing that is still a bit hazy for me, is the duration between the time off and starting another SARM cycle. Do they just go by the sameness protocol of "Cycle + PCT = Time Off", or can you start blasting again right after the mini PCT? For a clean, lean bulk, would you recommend LGD-3303 or 4033? What would be a good stack, without including S4, that could be ran for up to 12 weeks?

Great responses,
Have an awesome day!
Thank you so much for the feedback guys. Unfortunately the competitiveness of college athletics sometimes requires the "edge", with that being said, I have actually reconsidered on running any orals in the future regardless, unless as a kickstart/closer for a long test cycle. With that being said, again thank you for the feedback, I'd look more into SARMs for the future use. One thing that is still a bit hazy for me, is the duration between the time off and starting another SARM cycle. Do they just go by the sameness protocol of "Cycle + PCT = Time Off", or can you start blasting again right after the mini PCT? For a clean, lean bulk, would you recommend LGD-3303 or 4033? What would be a good stack, without including S4, that could be ran for up to 12 weeks?

Great responses,
Have an awesome day!

Hey bro... with sarms only cycles u only need 3-4 weeks in between cycles
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