
company that makes Yohimflame


New member
Hello Dylan, I'm a big fan of your work.

Back a few years ago, you made a video touting the wonders of
the spray on spot fat reducer Yohimflame:
It sounded so good to me that I did a search for it and the reviews I found were lackluster at best.
My disclaimer here is that I have no doubt that you believe in everything (for or against) every video you put out.
Here's my question:
Could it be that the company that makes Yohimflame put out the first few batches of the stuff with ingredients that worked and then went the way a lot of companies do by then substituting cheaper ingredients or have the reviews I've been reading lately got it wrong?
Furthermore, I've noticed that some sites have discontinued the product, on backorder, sold out or not available but the biggest thing for me is that it's pretty expensive.
Your thoughts on this product or a viable alternative would be great!
when i made that video, it was a far different product... i had the new version of it and it flat out worked... just like many of their other products, they went through redesigning to try to cut corners and thats why i left the company... that video would have been deleted along with many others if i had control of that youtube account but i dont and so they now exploit it and i have spoken out against their bull shit products for MANY years now
Dylan and I were both affiliated with that company years back, and Dylan summed it up perfectly what happened. Basically product quality went downhill on a vast majority of the product line, changing ingredient profiles to make a cheaper yet subpar product with the same name. It's nothing either one of us wanted affiliated with, and a lot of other things were happening within that company related to quality issues that even expanded to some of their sponsors with sarms, ancillaries etc, which is inevitably why we left all of it
Dylan and I were both affiliated with that company years back, and Dylan summed it up perfectly what happened. Basically product quality went downhill on a vast majority of the product line, changing ingredient profiles to make a cheaper yet subpar product with the same name. It's nothing either one of us wanted affiliated with, and a lot of other things were happening within that company related to quality issues that even expanded to some of their sponsors with sarms, ancillaries etc, which is inevitably why we left all of it
exactly and it was the best move we made... what a disappointment because when we started, they had such quality... for years... they were well respected etc... and then we all know what happened from there...
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