
Beta Blockers


New member
I have tried ACE inhibitors, Alpha blockers, and beta blockers.. but I need beta blockers for an arrhythmia. I wanted to hear some opinions on using beta blockers on cycle. They reduce the hearts demand for oxygen, so does that mean O2 levels decrease? If heart rate slows after taking a beta blocker, does that mean the body isn’t getting the oxygen it needs? Seems that heart rate increases for a reason (greater oxygen demand). When I’m on cycle I’m always out of breath, but after I take metoprolol I feel fine.
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Beta-blockers are used often for performers as it keeps your sympathetic nervous system calm(keeps heart beat from raising). These alone, with alcohol, or any diazapam drug like valium, klonapin, clonazapam, lorazapam, can make you simply stop breathing. With the AAS working in a different way(not directly affecting nervous system) you shouldn't have problems. This is, however, not to be messed around with or taken lightly. Talk to your doctor about what your taking. They can't disclose any information and if they do you can sue them till you've taken their first born, so my advice is to talk to your doctor who works with you on your heart. The Bata-blocker in your case is just to keep the heart normal, but steroids affect more than your muscles, so ask a professional. Seriously, this is something I know a ton about, but don't know you or your problem, and without a professional opinion, I wouldn't mix the two just because there isn't a ton of literature about it.
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