
Aromasin on 10mg LGD


New member

So I'm planning on trying out LGD-4033 at 10mg ed for 10-12 weeks and I was wondering what you guys think about taking aromasin alongside with it. I have some aromasin lying around just in case.

Should I use aromasin?

If so, at what dose?

How often?

PS: Perfectly aware of the fact that LGD-4033 does not aromatize! I'm just a bit scared of my estrogen being whack and causing side effects due to test-suppression from LGD.

As you know it doesn’t aromatize but when I was on LGD for some reason I got s lil gyno and I did take aromosin to help. Just my experience I thought I would share.
you can do whatever you want... i would be very careful using an aromatase inhibitor with something that doesnt convert... thats completely up to you on what you do and how you do it but if you are, you best keep the dose low and then monitor bloodwork... noone can advise on dosage because it doesnt convert and you shouldnt have an issue...
I wouldn't recommend that. You'll likely cause more harm than good, crash your estrogen, and have all the symptoms of low estrogen. I can crash mine easily and it's terrible. I'ts not fun at all. Theres bo logical reason to use an ai with lgd
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