
am i getting paranoid? need your help


New member
hello dylan first of all thank for all your information sharing with people who dont know a thing about steroid use , here is my question : im using dboll (meditech) for 4weeks 30mg ED , im seeing good result , im not in caloric deficit but eating as much as i can healthy, also consuming whey protein , and this is my first ever cycle . here is problem that aromasin or ant kind of that PCT things are very rare and kinda impossible to buy/find in my country (iran) so tell me im fucked up?

i have no depression , no tits going huge as i can see or no sexual problem . but i dont really find out strength increase too , but endurance really got high . and last word is dboll is so rare so i has no other choice in fact other steroids here are handmaided and non standard that can cause hearth attack in 1week so i turned to original dboll only .

much love from your fans even in middle east you may not hear us but we love you advises here❤️
yeah, your fucked up bro... you are going to be majorly fucked up... what are you thinking? if you know you cant get the right pct products and right protection, why would you use steroids? i dont know what to tell you then other than be prepared to deal with all the issues that come along with it because it will not be pretty for you
Why in the hell would you start Dbol or any steroid without having what you need for pct or to run it properly? I don't know what to tell you dude. You basically fucked yourself on purpose when you knew this was shit you needed.
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