


New member
Just putting it out here at the start, I'm not wanting to do anything at the age I am currently (18). I just love your vids and the information, honestly just enjoy the learning process!

I wanted to ask what the absolute minimum age is that you advise a male to be before taking sarms? And why?

Also, where did you find all your information from other than personal use and the whatnot, like where do you find research papers and studies? Do they even still do studies on sarms, or are they just ignoring their potential?

Sorry if there's too many questions I get that you're busy, nonetheless, cheers and thanks for the great content!
bro i have so many outlets of information over the years from personal use, clients i coach all over the world, clearly all my interactions with others of the years, my studies etc...

i would wait until 20 or 21 for sarms... suppression is minimal but still present..
I'd definitely wait until at least 20 years of age before using sarms. Anything before that is just too early to be taking anything that can affect your endocrine system, even the mild suppression of sarms
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