
Addition to 1st SARM cycle


New member
Hello all,

Age: 20
Height: 183cm
Weight: 78kg
BF % 13-14%
Been working out for a bit over a year.

I am in my 5th week of running LGD-4033 @10mg ED, and was wondering what other sarms I should add into the cycle for the remaining 8 weeks, such as RAD-140 or S4? Cheers guys.
nonhting.. sarms need to be ran 12 weeks and you would not be running it long enough... unless you added gw501516, which you could then use the other 4 weeks during pct... the better question is why are you using any ped after only working out for a year... thats ridiculous man... you are looking for a shortcut instead of putting in the work and thats not how this all works...
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