
5th Sarms Cycle or Get On Real Gear?


New member
Hello Everybody,

I'm 27 years old, 5'10, 187lbs, ~10-12% bodyfat and have been lifting for over 15 years. Currently I'm on my 4th Sarms cycle and using just Ostarine/GW only on a cut while trying to maintain strength/LBM. Here's a brief history of the Sarms cycles I've ran:

1st Cycle (Recomp)): March to May 2017 (12 weeks) - LGD4033 10mg + S4 50-75mg + GW (PCT)
2nd Cycle (Bulk): July to September (12 Weeks) - Ostarine 20mg + Mk677 20mg + GW (PCT)
3rd Cycle (Bulk): January to March 2018 (12 weeks) - LGD 4033 10mg + S4 75-100mg + MK677 20mg + GW (PCT)
Current Cycle (Cut): Ostarine 20mg + GW 20mg (At week 4)

So I've ran 4 cycles so far, and overall I've come a long way in terms of strength and mass gained. I'm just curious on what to run next after I finish this current cycle of cutting down. After finishing my PCT on my current cycle and taking 2 months off, I'm thinking of doing something like this for another mass gain phase:

12 Weeks:
LGD - 10mg/day
S4 - 100mg/day
Rad140 - 20-30mg/day

I've never tried Rad 140 so that's why I think that I still have some potential left with Sarms only cycles. Should I give this stack a try or would it be better to just start using Test cyp at this point?
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noone can really answer that but you... that depends on your comfort level etc... honestly, i dont know how anyone can decide that for you
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