
Question about Sustanon and HRT


New member
Hello guys,

i am 53 years old living in Belgium (Europe).

I have a question regarding how much sustanon to take. Excuse me for the many writing mistakes.

I went to the dokter with symptons I have for more than 10 years. No energy, low libido and mood swings.
My bloodwork was done and I had 300 ng/dl (10.4 nmol/l). I started with Nebido. Second shot after 12 weeks.
Did not do much in my blood. Got my third shot after 8 weeks. Because it is very expensive here (116 euro) the doker gave me after
6 weeks 1ml 250 sustanon and then every 14 days. I felt great for a while en when i had my blood tested again after 6 weeks is was 865 ng/dl or 30ng/dl. Blood wat taken 2 weeks after my last shot of sustanon.
I felt really really good. I was a happy man. I think the Nebido was also still in my system then. Now 12 weeks later i am feeling not so good. A little better as when i started but a fraction as good as 12 weeks ago. Bloodwork done again and I am now on 519 ng/dl or 18 ng/dl.

For me, when my bloodwork is around 30 ng/dl i feel great.

Is it dangerous to take 1 ml sustanon 250 ever 10 days instead of every 14 days? Or 0.5ml every 5 days? I want my level to go back around 865 ng/dl or 30ng/dl.
That extra sustanon may take my level a bit higher so that I feel good again.
My dokter does not know much about this.

I hope to get some info because i can not find any info on this specific question. (again excuse me fort he bad writing)

thx for responding

If your doctor perscribed TRT is not helping your symptoms you need to discuss this WITH THE DOCTOR.
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I will talk to my doctor ofcource but before I do I want some information from people who have experience or knowledge with taking sustanon every 10 days.
"That extra sustanon may take my level a bit higher so that I feel good again.
My dokter does not know much about this."

You need a new doctor immediately.
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