Gotta give us some more to go off of man... What are your goals? Whats your food intake? Just more detail in general.
Safest route to take for a first cycle is Testosterone. Plain and simple.
I figured they were smaller meals or something was going on (ie show etc...). Your peanut butter man do you get reduced sugar or eat the regular stuff? Just curious as to how much people are watching their sugars which obviously cause insulin levels to be up and down.
Or I was starting to think...
Right bud... My wife is a Doctor of 15 years and has a PHD in Chemistry... And not to mention I can post pics on here my friend. I think I know just a little bit about what I am talking about.
Probably the best thing for you to do then is to stay in the 300 to 900 range... I will keep mine...
Completely tore it in my college days playing basketball. Full sprint hyper extended it changing directions. Then SNAP!!! Since I had good muscle mass in my legs the doc said they would over compensate for it being gone. Only thing would be later in life some arthritis...
Still have to have...
So I have played around a lot with Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Karbolyn etc...
In my opinion, for what its worth, I believe that a simple sugar is best used Intra-Workout not post workout. I am not saying that it can not be used Post-Workout because I have done it BUT it depends on for what...
I do not have an ACL in my right knee at all and never had it repaired. It is completely gone.
I had my left knee scoped and cleaned out 2 times. I feel your pain all too well my friend.