No estrogen issues, just a anal case of people running AAS and not knowing a damn thing about them. Sick of people screwing themselves up when there is simple methods to prevent sides. If ya ment libido issues, your reslutls may very. The safe way is to run both at about the same mg to mg and...
Shutdown of what, if your asking if this will cause shutdown of your natural test production. The Answer is yes, 100mg of test will shut you down a 100mg of tren will shut you down. Running 50mg of Anavar will shut you down. This is a basic concept of steroids and while you run PCT to kick your...
6ft 1 inch at 155 says one thing serious under eater. Needs to correct a whole lot before putting any substance in his body. If he went on AAS and gained 10lbs I would be amazed. Second he will loose it because he doesn't eat, it's a vicious cycle this kid will get into and hurt him in the long...
Me too, but most of these kids are so dead set on doing AAS you need to provide a alternative. Milineals aren't the brightest.
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Hey, guys been a while. Well anyways I didn't run a cycle for about seven months. Then decided to hop on the bicycle again. I faced the question what should I run. Well anyways I decided to keep it simple didn't feel like mixing and spending shit loads of cash. Well anyways I ran 600mg test and...
Dylan aint going to help you, AAS is dangerous for your age and you don't even have close to the base to use gear. Most of us didn't dable into this until late twenties early thirties. But young man there is a alternative for you. It's called food and hitting the g harder. If you must use...
Another great thing is I got a complete blood panel done my cholesterol dropped from 289 on tren to 144 off cycle,all bloods came back good, though the doctor asked me how a 40 year old man has 900 test levels, anwsered good genetics
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Okay that explains the weight loss and it's fat loss according to my fiance, now don't be breaking your legs for a cut now. This shit sucks
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I play semi professional football in Romania. And two weeks ago severely fractured my tibula, so I've been on bed rest for the next six weeks can't walk etc. So ive been doing dumbell work in bed. This is the rub, I adjusted my calories to 2500 a day to prevent from getting fat and just to...
Thanks guys had my bloods drawn yesterday should know more today, I lost about 5lbs since I wrote that post. Looks like carbs and maybe estrogen are the culprits
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I have increased carbs for sure nothing much else has changed, so that explains a little bit of the weight gain, carbs love water. But I'm suprised it's this constant.
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Best cycle as I said was that Decca cycle, I gained a lot of nice size and kept most of it. I'm well beyond the size range where even 6lbs of muscle mass is probably possible on a cycle. Maybe just wishing for miracles.
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Thanks Carmel and Rick, so you think it's just glycogen going on here. I'm not worried as my bloods look good and I feel good. Just curious as what's going on, got to keep on top of things. Either way feel like a Titan.
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But I agree with you, 15 lbs in three weeks is possible for the genetic freaks on high doses. So something is going on had my blood drawn last week and doctor told me everything look good except a little high colsesterol and hight test levels.
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