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  1. G

    LGD 4033, S4, GW Stack Review - Week 1

    Going to be doing short weekly reviews of this 12 week stack! Both for the benefits of others and as a casual log for myself. I'll compile them into one larger reference post at the end of the cycle. Before I start, question for Dylan: does MK-677 ever end up on the buy 2 get 1 free or % off...
  2. G

    SARMs newbie stack critique

    I went back and found one, when you said running it year round I misinterpreted it as a year long cycle, my mistake bro. Thanks again for the stack advice, eagerly awaiting my order!
  3. G

    SARMs newbie stack critique

    perfect thank you for the advice bro, just want to clarify that for the pct, when you say "clomid 50/25/25/25" that's 50mg/day for the first week then 25mg/day for the remaining 3 weeks correct? and I know I've read somewhere on the forums you saying you can run GW-510516 for up to a year or...
  4. G

    SARMs newbie stack critique

    Hey brothers, shot some of this to Dylan in a message before realizing I should have posted in the forum first. Thanks in advance for your advice. Newbie here, I would love your input on some stack suggestions. I'm 22, 5'10 190#, 11-13%bf. Been lifting for around 3 years now in various styles...
  5. G

    Hi Dylan, would love your input on some stack suggestions. I'm 5'10 185#, 11-13%bf. Been lifting...

    Hi Dylan, would love your input on some stack suggestions. I'm 5'10 185#, 11-13%bf. Been lifting for around 3 years now in various styles. want to regain lost size/strength from being sick (and then some), I want to gain some size/weight, add muscle hardness/density (up to 195-200), increase...
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