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  1. J

    Different PCT advice vs Dylan's

    Thanks for the detailed response, Dylan/P0N. Just trying to learn as much as I can
  2. J

    Different PCT advice vs Dylan's

    Hi Dylan, I browse this forum from time to time and have watched a few of your videos - specifically, ones that cover PCT. I'm just trying to get the full scope of your position - how come your recommended PCT (clomid, tamoxifen, aromasin, DGA ORGAN ST, mk-2866 25, and gw-501516) is so much...
  3. J

    PharmaLady and shipping precautions to Canada

    First time buyer, and I've heard good things about about PharmaLady. Do most people just simply ship to their own address or is that sketch? Is it better to ship to something like a POBox? Thanks
  4. J

    First cycle advice from Dylan

    Yeah thanks for the responses. Just trying to get as informed as I can before I actually look to start purchasing something and beginning my first cycle and the people here on this forum seem selfless and genuine.
  5. J

    First cycle advice from Dylan

    Hi Dylan and crew, First off, appreciate the videos you've been uploading on YT lately. Good stuff - I posted about 8 months ago or so asking if 300mg of Test would be a good first cycle. I was told I had not trained long enough. I'm now on my 4th year of training - quick stats: -30 y/o/ -...
  6. J

    Is 300g Test alone a good 1st cycle?

    I get what you're saying but what other answer would be sufficient to taking steroids other than looking better and getting stronger? Only to compete? I'm sure the vast majority of people taking gear aren't competing..
  7. J

    Is 300g Test alone a good 1st cycle?

    I've had a few readings but I'm ~ 15%
  8. J

    Is 300g Test alone a good 1st cycle?

    Quick stats: - 3rd year of training - 29yo - 5'8 - 180lbs - Goal: To look good and get stronger Am thinking of starting my first cycle. I've read up a lot and it seems the consensus for a first cycle is Test alone. Does this make sense with my stats? Obviously add an AI. In terms of PCT, I've...
  9. J

    Introducing myself - Hello from Canada

    Fair enough; just looking for extra opinions. Like I said before, I'm a big noob when it comes to all this so any advice is helpful
  10. J

    Introducing myself - Hello from Canada

    Ok thanks, that definitely helps. I figured that was kind of dumb myself which is what I wrote in my first post. Although, I was more referring to how they thought me taking gear altogether at my age (29) after several years of training wasn't enough. I've put on muscle very fast, I'm not young...
  11. J

    Introducing myself - Hello from Canada

    I understand - but can I ask why it's a dumb idea? I'm not that young of a guy, and even by endocrinologists' standards I would be a candidate for TRT so I find it hard to be unsafe to take 300mg of test
  12. J

    Introducing myself - Hello from Canada

    Forgive my ignorance - let me try to clarify: If I have access to gear I would start a cycle; if I did not, I would try to get on TRT through a prescription. Regardless, I would only start with Test. I understand 2 years doesn't seem like a long time, but my diet has been consistent and I have...
  13. J

    first cycle

    that was 1 really long sentence
  14. J

    Introducing myself - Hello from Canada

    Wandered onto this site and it seems like everyone here is very transparent and honest, for the most part. I'm 29 years old, trained from age 17-21 and literally did nothing for 6 years. Got off my ass finally, and started training hard the last 2 years. I'm 5'8, 180, and around 14% bf. I've...
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